1. How do I get started with the program?
The Reset My Future Program is only accessible alongside working with a trained facilitator. They will send you everything you need to get started once you have committed to the program and will continue to provide you with everything you need throughout the 12 weeks.
If you are not yet working with a facilitator, please contact us, and we will work with you on assigning someone appropriate to your individual needs.
2. I cannot access the module that my facilitator sent to me.
First of all, make sure you are trying to access the module from your laptop, not a mobile or tablet.
The most common explanation for this is that you are not logged in correctly. Check in the top right-hand corner of the website. If you are logged in, your name will be there. If not please click 'log in', enter your login details and then try the link again.
If you continue to have issues, check back with your facilitator to ensure the link they have sent you is correct.
5. I am not happy with my facilitator. Who do I speak to?
We sincerely hope this will never be the case, but if it does happen, Reset My Future are here to support you and find a solution to help you complete the 12-week program successfully. You can email our Founder Graeme at graeme@resetmyfuture.com directly to arrange a call to discuss.
If you have any further unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.